Zodiak Anda: Virgo (by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess")
Zodiak Anda
Ramalan Tentang Hidup Anda, Secara Terperinci Gue Kasih Ke Kalian Semua,... Met Nge-Baca YAch,..
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Virgo (by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess")

OVERVIEW: Maintaining positive friendships and close personal relationships is a high priority for practical Virgo this year. Your family and home life will be a source of great happiness and pleasure as you spend time building good relationships. You share your opinions openly and honestly. Surrounded by inspiring artistic people, you will have a desire to express your own creativity. Variety and versatility give you the urge to take up many different skills.

As you move into the brand new year, you'll keenly observe the world around you and uniquely express it through creative avenues. You are a wonderful artist and could easily make art into a career in the coming months. Everything your awareness touches becomes a field for your intellectual attainment. Your desire to express your artistry could expand into exhibiting your work at public art events. Culture and the theater will give you hours of relaxation. Great transformations will happen when you have creative opportunities. Whether you are in a leadership position or amongst influential friends, your awareness of connectivity impacts those in your circles and opens them to sharing common goals and objectives.

You are a healer at heart, and would do well in the healthcare field, perhaps teaching people to maintain a positive self-image through artistic creativity. Later in the year, make sure to take more time for walking in nature, gardening, relaxing in health spas -- places where you can freely connect with your deepest self. Your spontaneous and impulsive nature makes for a very physically active year. You love sports, dancing and other physical activities, which will keep you feeling young and vibrant.

LOVE: This year, your love for harmony, beauty and balance allows room for growth in your personal relationships. Partnership energy is at a new level of being that enlivens and invigorates both of you. Feeling emotionally and playfully engaged with your partner is a must. Lots of weekends away to relax and detach from serious realms of thinking and spending time in sensuous, gentle environments will keep your relationship fresh. Security may manifest as a need for a home environment that is completely safe and very cozy.

You have unusually clear insight into your own unconscious motivations, as well as into the emotional depths of others; when you decide to engage in a new partnership, you take on a whole new persona. With your good sense of humor and storytelling abilities, you have a powerful verbal connection in your intimate relationship. You love being in love and transforming your energy from a primal urge to merge with the sacred love you have between you.

Through intimacy, you will learn how to experience your own emotional desires without fear, and find a new sense of security and meaning this year. A love for beauty and symbols of beauty and your strong will power attracts powerful relationships to you. You are dramatic and dignified and also very caring and compassionate. You have a great capacity to let the child within you flow freely. Love and compassion are important to you and people respond well to the attention you give them, but sometimes you need to detach yourself from others so you can rediscover your own source of mystic union and refreshment.
posted by rizkhey wahyudi @ 11:26 AM  
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