Zodiak Anda: Scorpio (by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess")
Zodiak Anda
Ramalan Tentang Hidup Anda, Secara Terperinci Gue Kasih Ke Kalian Semua,... Met Nge-Baca YAch,..
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Scorpio (by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess")

OVERVIEW: Passion carries you far this year in the realms of creativity and expression. Getting in touch with and appreciating more of your passionate nature will transform you in a way that results in putting more money in the bank. You could easily work as an advisor for big companies or in public relations. You understand what motivates people to do a good job and will find yourself in situations where people want your advice. Your creative insight expresses itself in dynamic ways and you will gain lots of recognition.

You have a very good support system in both your career and home life, and will learn that perfect order is taking place in your life at this time. Since your career has gotten off to such a great start this year, by summertime you will have more time on your hands to become romantically involved in a new relationship (or rekindling of old), which you've been thinking about for quite some time. You will be receiving some new and dynamic surprises and will be inspired to do some new and out-of-the-ordinary things in both your career and personal life.

You could enjoy spending time traveling to foreign lands and be drawn to observing others' ideas and cultures. You love to study. You will find that your relationship gives you lots of space to breathe, and yet you still have lots of spare time to take care of your own needs as well. You'll need tons of physical interaction to satisfy that wild passion of yours. Having massages, going to hot springs and being close to nature will bring a lot of balance and harmony to your life.

LOVE: With such a loving personality, you will certainly attract romance and passion into your life this year, Scorpio! Your social life looks very promising and full of wonderful opportunities when you make the effort to meet new people. Your independent nature and strong desire to express yourself creatively this year gives you the ability to find excitement and develop new interests that you and your lover can do together.

When in a close relationship, you are intuitive, sensitive and psychic, and have a good sense of what other people's motives are. You experience emotions in a deep way through psychological bonding. As much as you may feel vulnerable at times this year, strive to experience the depths of your being and let yourself enjoy intense love relationships. Because of your keen awareness of others, it's good for you to take time to be with yourself, enjoy physical exercise and pamper yourself to help release a lot of the energy that you tend to store up inside yourself.

Your love life will be quite sensual this year. You will find much appreciation for the finer things in life. You'll realize the importance of sharing passionate moments with your partner. As much as you are working to get ahead in your career, your love life will not be satisfied playing second fiddle. You will definitely benefit from relaxing more and spending time with your sweetheart. Some of your energies need to be diverted towards cultivating more balance and harmony in your love relationship so you can enjoy the comforts of life together. You do much better when you have someone to share your deepest passions with.
posted by rizkhey wahyudi @ 11:51 AM  
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