Zodiak Anda: Sagitarius (by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess")
Zodiak Anda
Ramalan Tentang Hidup Anda, Secara Terperinci Gue Kasih Ke Kalian Semua,... Met Nge-Baca YAch,..
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sagitarius (by Pamela McHenry, "StarGoddess")

OVERVIEW: Your strong sense of self will get you through almost anything this year, and your confidence will enable you to take on any new opportunities that come your way. You're focused on communicating more, and may find that writing becomes more predominant in your career. You really enjoy working and being gainfully employed. Your energetic and happy nature gives a lot to others in ways that make them feel very comfortable. People know that you're sincerely interested in what they have to say because you're such a good listener.

You may want to take some long journeys this year to give yourself spiritual stimulation and to help you feel more connected to the deeper philosophical side of your being. During the summer, you may find that you're actually making plans to go to some distant retreat center or vacation spot. You will feel as if you are going through a tremendous transformation in how you feel about life and your own attitudes. Maybe it's time to reevaluate who you are and where you are going by regrouping and spending more time interacting with the deeper aspects of yourself.

You will feel good about all the blessings in your life, and are full of gratitude for your family. You are developing new ways of communicating, which draw upon your uniqueness. Communication becomes easy this year. You will learn to trust that you are cared for by a universal support system, and develop tremendous faith in knowing that your needs are being met in life.

LOVE: You'll feel a deep emotional connection with your partner this year and discover exciting new ways of communicating. You feel mentally stimulated and are able to communicate your needs. You will be listened to in new ways as you create fresh positive value systems based on new goals. You feel as if a fog is being lifted when it comes to communication and relationships since you will get very clear feedback and lots of love and understanding returned. You are very aware of how others affect you emotionally and, conversely, you notice your affect on them.

You discover new ways of feeling comfortable with a pending partnership. You have a strong sense of your individuality and need to have an emotionally stable partner. It's important that you learn how to value your emotional needs independent of the partnership energy, which you sometimes connect to habitually.

You are likely to be social and quite popular this year while enjoying the harmony of an intimate partnership that reflects your emotions back to you. You've worked hard to acquire material comforts, and you love to have possessions. You want to share with others who appreciate your efforts and who don't take you for granted. You are passionate and intense, and you'll have a strong love this year through which you can express your deepest desires.
posted by rizkhey wahyudi @ 11:53 AM  
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